My New Life

This is what it looks like to drive up to work every morning! (Actually this is what it LOOKED like, now we come in from 3rd South instead of Center Street, just FYI) This is my new life (read job). My first ever social work internship and I LOVE IT! I work with people who have committed crimes but were not deemed competent by the judge to stand trial. We work with them to help them understand their case and the legal system so that they can go to trial and move on with their lives, whatever that means for them. I love it, I wouldn't change it for anything. I've noticed that this job is HARD! Hard in all the best ways but still hard. It's hard to work with people who sometimes don't want to be worked with. It's hard to see them inside and basically locked up all the time, even though they may not have been tried for a crime. It's hard to care about people more than the system dictating their lives seems to care about them. S...