oooo I want to linger

Man I just wrote a post in the wrong place, and now it seems to have lost its self (if you're French).
The jist: I so happy!
It seems to me I have been given more this week than I can imagine deserving. I hope this is a turning point in this spiritual cycle, I've been a little down for a little while.
This week was lots of tests, a few celebrity encounters, lots of dancing, new discoveries, and just when I thought it couldn't get any better, the sun came out! Hoorah for all that is good and true!
Tonight I went to the Euro Disco Dance-like thing. It wasn't very much like any dances I have been to in Europe (a grand totale of uno), but I prefer BYU Euro dances anyway. It was fun to watch so many happy people wiggling without a care. I hear if one wiggles at the Aurora Borialis they will wiggle back. Actually, I know it for a fact, I've tried it.
I think stars should be on the Utah endangered list, Utah definitely does not have its fair share. If bald eagles are endangered where I come from and I've seen thousands of them, and since I've been here I've probably seen 8 and 1/2 stars...I think they are definitely endangered. The ETPA should really do something about that (extra-terrestrial protection agency, I suppose). I don't think they should let Utah have that kind of effect on stars. Too many consequences. We can't have stars going extinct. It would kill a lot of the reason to go out at night, which would be a tragedy. Das enough ramblings for one night.


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