The Horizon Has Been Defeated

Posting on my blog two days in a row? Is this Sarah turning over a new leaf...or is she just waiting for a cake to bake late at night? Most likely the latter.
Today was foggy in a sauna? Or as Kermit! Wait..that's froggy. Anyway, pea soup out there, we actually offered everyone a free trip tomorrow because we couldn't see much at all, just a glacier and a whole lot of white nothingness. We tried (sort of) to come up with a nick name for me, I've never really had one that stuck. The best we could do is Sarah-o. Pathetic.
The pink salmon are dying and so am I, I hope I don't smell as bad as they do when I get a little closer to the end.
I'm out of here in 5 days! I guess that means I need to pack, I guess that means I have been saying that for about two weeks now. I made a list of things I need to do before I leave, I think it was more because it's fun to make a list than because I need a list.
So what this comes down to, is all I've got to say is a whole lot of not much (even though life is supurb, giddy-up).
That's something I want to incorperate into my every day vocabulary, giddy-up, sort of in place of get'er done. Also cowabunga!
I think they're good words for playing frisbee. You know, for all the frisbee I have played this summer, I've done very little actual PLAYING, mostly just throwing around.
Music reccomendation of the week and a half: Lex De Azevedo
Cake's done
Sarah over and out.


Lillian said…
Sarah Wilcox! I'm so proud of you for posting... it was like, whoa! she posted again? No way. Hey, so I know Lex de Azevedos' daughter and have heard him perform at my ward. You should drop by sometime for that. Tschuss!
Lillian said…
By the by... I tried calling you all weekend and nobody ever picked up! What's up with that? So if you still have my Utah no. then give me a ring. Otherwise, I'll try calling you again.

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