
This is our camping trip to Arches National Park in Utah. BEAUTIFUL place, seriously, Utah is worth a visit, there are so many awesome and very different places in close proximity to eachother, it's too good to miss.

This is us 4 arching in the arch. This is delicate arch, the one that's on all the license plates in Utah. The guy who took the picture dubbed us yellow (me), pink (Kaela), grey(linsey), and white (megan)-so we decided to keep the names for the rest of the trip!

we couldn't convince little Megan to stand close enough to the edge of the little cliff and jump to make it look like her feet were off the ground. The second one from the right, that's me jumping AND taking the picture!

Kaela and I scaling some rocks. We climbed everything we could get our hands on. This day was our blue day, it was a little windy...and by a little windy I mean if you uncovered your skin it got sand blasted. We had sand EVERYWERE, in our hair, nose, ears, etc. It didn't stop us though!


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