Recently I've had a burst of ideas for blog posts.  They'll all be belated but in the order they sort of happened.  The first one is about turning 25, which happened to me at the end of August.

A few thoughts about turning 25

1. Getting eight hours of sleep has become a non-negotiable factor in my life.  When I was 24 I could say to my body, "Body, I want to stay up really late tonight and get up really early tomorrow, so you just hold tight and maybe on the weekend I'll give you an extra hour or two!"  I almost always got my way.
I swear the day I turned 25 everything changed.  Now I set my alarm for 6, but if the 8 hour mark is at 7:16, my body will completely ignore the alarm and wake up promptly at 7:16 as if to say, "dummy, you know 8 hours was our deal!  Not 4 not 6 not 7 hours and 55 minutes.  8!  I win."  Really though, I win, I'm much happier this way!

2.  My friend Holly also recently turned 25, and she made a list of 25 things to do while she's 25.  Wow. That sounds so awesome...but I could feel myself failing as soon as I started thinking about it.  I know myself, maybe I'll do like...somewhere around 25 things that would be cool do while I'm 25.  Yeeeaaahhhh that's more my style!
So here's my list so far
1. Read the whole Bible
2. Visit the temple at least 25 times
3. Read 4 classic works of literature
4. Go to a play
5. Go to Alaska
6. Make more time for my friends
7. Don't spend time and energy on that which is of no worth
8. Learn to be free by not judging (See Advice from Elder Busche on youtube)
9. Serve with all of my heart in my calling
10. Learn 3 hymns on the piano (this requires getting a power chord for the keyboard I have.  That's a sub goal though.)
11. Do an olympic triathlon
12. Get 8 hours of sleep as often as I can
13. Go to a live jazz concert
14. Paint/draw and share it
15. Learn to play music in front of people (one of my phobias for some reason)
16. Put down roots in my ward
17. Eat very little sugar
18. Keep an open mind about dating
19. Try snowboarding again
20. Write a publishable research paper (that I will eventually publish)

That's all I could come up with at the moment.  Pretty good, huh?

3. I really like my friends.  I have been blessed all my life with good friends.  The other day in my policy class I started to make a list of people I am grateful for.  It went on and on...and on and on and I won't put a sample on my blog because I want to find more personal ways to thank them.  But if you're reading this you can bet you were on that list.  Unless you're someone I don't know, then maybe not, but don't take that personally, I'd probably put you on it if I knew who you were because I am grateful for everyone who reads my blog :)


renaezy said…
Best of luck with these awesome goals Sarah!

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