Who is it about then?

The week of doing things that are best for others instead of what is best for myself (which often turn out to be the same thing) has passed, and now it's time for a report, like I promised.  This is kind of hard because it makes me vulnerable.  I'm going to tell you that sometimes I do the right things for the wrong reasons...AND I'm still cool, I'm still learning, I still love God and He loves me.

Sunday: Stayed for an activity I was nervous about.
Result:  I made new friends, ate delicious dessert, had VERY interesting conversation, and I think I helped other people feel comfortable.  Win.

Monday: At FHE I was invited to stay late and play some ward volleyball.  I declined because I don't like ward volleyball, I'm a bit of a volleyball snob, unfortunately.  I pondered this decision as I walked to my car, turned around and came back to play, just because of 'it's not about you week'.
Result: Had a good time, realized that sometimes I think I don't like things that I really do like, I just don't like them as much as I like other things.  It's not like I was leaving ward volleyball to play real volleyball.  Win #2

Tuesday: My roommates all went out to celebrate Renae getting married.  In my neuroticism about exercise, I REALLY wanted to go running first.  Kind of selfish.  Missed part of the party.  Came in sweaty and smelly...probably not as fun for anyone.  It great to be there with them, but the experience might have been more genuine had I done it all the way.  1/2 Win

Wednesday: Possibly my favorite day because of frisbee and visiting teaching (a thing in our church where we go visit other girls who live near us.  It's pretty much a great idea).  LOVED IT!  Visiting teaching consisted of sprawling on my friend's couch and us laughing our heads off.  My question to myself was, was I being funny because I like being funny, or was I being funny because I was trying to do what was best?  I think in this case being funny was what was best, and I do like being funny...How can I make that more pure-hearted?  Win.

Thursday: I went to a ward dinner (which was amazing) and worked on the ward directory instead of hanging out with everyone afterwards.  As I sat at the computer and listened to everyone happily chatting in the gym a wave of happiness to be working to benefit people that I care about washed over me. That was GOOD.  loved it.  want more.  Win!

Friday: In a meeting of sorts my boss and mentor said some very kind words about me.  It was inspiring and it made me want to work harder to be the kind of person they like having around because I really like working with them too.  This was an example to me of how simple it is to be inspiring to others.  Win, thanks to them.

Saturday: Renae's wedding!  I spent the day with Renae and Brad's families and 4 other brides maids.  The whole experience was classy and lovely, just like Renae is.  Spending a whole day attached to 4 other people at the hip is not something I'm used to.  I tried think about what would be best for everyone, and realized whatever it was was best for me too because I will be happiest if everyone is happy.  Success!  Win.

Sunday:  I painted this picture!
You didn't know I like to paint psychedelic pictures of prehistoric earth did you?  Well I don't.  This is supposed to be the beach in Valdez at sunset.  It doesn't really look like what it's supposed to be, but I like it anyway (more on that thought later)!

So here is where I sum up what I learned this last week

1. It is good AND it feels good to forget yourself.
2. Forgetting yourself helps you see situations and others as they truly are.  I stand in my own way of this all too often.
3. I have a long long way to go, and yes, as everyone expected, I plan to keep on going!


Brad Huffaker said…
Sarah, you're so selfless always. This is a cool experiment though. I also am grateful I was a big part of your giving that week. It meant a lot!
Brad Huffaker said…
That was Renae by the way, but I agree with her.
Brad Huffaker said…
Sarah, you're so selfless always. This is a cool experiment though. I also am grateful I was a big part of your giving that week. It meant a lot!

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