Gratitude Journal

This is kind of a corny thing to do but it fulfills several purposes

1. I have been wanting to get into the habit of writing more every-day things on here and not taking months and months to perfect a post
2. My work offers health incentives, one of them is keeping a gratitude journal, 3 things a day for a month.  They give me money for being grateful, and I am grateful for that!
3. I have heard doing this actually increases your quality of life!  Maybe that should have been reason #1....or maybe this was a countdown to the most important reason.  Tricked ya.

1. I'm grateful for Lillian going to the REI garage sale to look for gear for me while I was at work

2. I'm so incredibly grateful to have a job that I don't mind working on Saturday that much.  Last summer was unemployment, a million job interviews, close calls, near misses, hopes up, hopes crashed, messed up shoulder and then finally A JOB.  It sounds simplistic to say getting a job solved all of my problems.  I think it made all of them manageable enough that I didn't feel like I was drowning in them.  Having no job made even the easy problems seem insurmountable.

3. I'm grateful for Jessica and Makensie from my program who I got to have dinner with last night.  Some people think getting together with therapists and talking about your attachment issues sounds like work, but for me it was putting fuel in an empty tank.

I'm also grateful that I did this to my hair on accident.  It's long and it takes so much work to make it look pretty so it was amazing to find an easy way!


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