Car Saga

Yesterday I tried to fix something myself on my car, ended up breaking it worse (surprise) and had to take it to the dealer.  At first they wanted to charge me a lot of money when I didn't really think was that hard to fix.  When I told them I thought they were full of it, in so many words, they made some calls and did it for much cheaper than they originally said.
I would say that was a good experience compared to what happened today.

I took it to a Jiffy Lube to get it tested for safety and emissions.  Here's a bit of the conversation about my breaks.

So they showed me the breaks and how they measure them and how they pass...

"So breaks that are 3 mm we advise you to change them, but you'll still pass, yours are all looking pretty good."

"Oh ok, can we check all four because I'm hearing some grinding coming from somewhere."

"Oh yeah they all look ok.." two guys exchange glances, guy who doesn't have the measuring tool says "Umm except for this one we first showed you.  That one is under two and won't pass."  Cue other guy "Oh yeah, that was under 2, that's right."

Awkward silence where they look at each other and back at me hopefully.
Wow.  You guys are embarrassingly bad liars.

"Oh really?  A second ago you said it was fine, can you show me again?"

Nervous chuckle.  "Ha sure.  Here let's look...oh it looks like it's just over two, hmm."
"So I'll pass?"

"Yeah, you'll pass but we should probably fail you, you probably want to get these changed right away."
Me thinking, "That's probably true but I definitely want people a little brighter than you to do it..."

At the end I talked to the manager and he told me something completely different about my car.

"Wow you guys are pretty inconsistent here, I heard totally different things from the other guys."

"No, I have worked here for 10 years!  That's consistency!"

"No, consistency would be if you all told the same story about my car..."

"Well those guys are just techs, they don't know what they're talking about."

"So you hire people who don't know what they're talking about?  Can I get my car rechecked somewhere else or do I have to come back here?  I don't really feel like I can trust your service."

"You can go anywhere but they'll probably fail you on tons of stuff and make you pay a bunch of money, we won't!"


Wow.  At least lie well car people, please.

Anyone have any good suggestions for shops in the Salt Lake Area?

Sunday walk

I have officially worn out my frisbee cleats.

This is not a picture of a sunset, it's a picture of my new windshield!

Grateful things:

1. I tried out my new road shoes yesterday, no pain in my legs and feet, yay!!!

2. A few days off work in the middle of the week to do my annoying errands.  The only thing more annoying than annoying errands is not having time to do annoying errands and so being plagued by how annoying they are constantly.

3. I'm going to visit Kaela, Mark, Bennet, and baby Anders this weekend!

4. My awesome friends.  My awesome awesome awesome friends.

5. Other people who blog.  I read lots of blogs and get new ideas for books, exercise, cooking, perspectives, news, child raising, everything!  

6. I have a day or two off next week as well so I don't have to finish this car saga today.  Because I'm done with it and I'm going running.


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