darn this picture was supposed to go at the bottom! This is solomon gulch fron the back, that's suglarloaf on the right. The dam on the lake was overflowing like a banshee! The nice little trickle that make the waterfall we take the summer fun kids to was a torrent! The far side of that lake is where the pictures of me walking on the damm (later in my blog) were taken


Rich said…
Hi Sarah, it's Rich. Far be it from me to correct how you write things in your corner of the world, but I'm pretty sure that the word 'dam' only has one 'm.' But maybe it's like the word 'color' in England and in Alaska you add that other 'u' in there to make 'colour.'

Honestly, I just looked through all of your photos and they are amazing. That is truly the best word for it. They are absolutely amazing. I now know jealousy because I have seen Alaska...

Talk to you later,

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