
"Everyone is special...which is another way of saying nobody is"
Remember when Dash from the Incredibles said that? Well I, for one, don't believe in it.  How does widespread specialness diminish the quality of each individual special case?

Annie told me once a long time ago that everyone is the best in the world at something.  I think it's true.  Since everyone is different, if we can find the way we are different, we must be the best in the world at what is different about us!  Right?  Annie is (and this is self-declared) the BEST in the world at laughing as hard at a joke or a movie the 100th time she hears it as the first time.  It makes her delightful to be around.  I consider it one of her gifts.

This is Annie.  She so funny, but not really in this picture.

My Biochemistry professor always spent the last few minutes of class telling us stories from his life that taught him important lessons. One of my favorites was story of the time he volunteered at the Salt Lake Olympics.  His job was to search through athletes' bags before they entered a building.  He found himself thinking, "Could these normal-looking people really be the best in the world at something?"  If he met one of them on the street, he wouldn't have looked twice.  His point was pay attention to who you meet on the street, or in a class, or at church.  Chances are good they are the best in the world at something, you just can't see it on the surface.

I started making a list of my friends' hidden talents lately.  Here are a few:

Matt and I have been pretty good friends for oh, 8 month or so.  Last week I found out he knows how to fence.  He learned it on his mission of all places.  I had no idea!
There are no pictures of Matt fencing, so this Matt doing one of his not-so-hidden talents.

Another friend, Joseph, an electrical engineering major (read: genius) is one of those natural athletes who seems like he'd be good at whatever sport he tried.  Last weekend a group of us decided to all play charades together and surprise!  In addition to his athletic talent and intellectual prowess Joseph is a PHENOMENAL actor.  His Little Mermaid impression is really impressive.
Joseph looking jubilant after the Festival of Colors.  Future headshot, no?

My neighbor Renae is a brilliant psychology major.  The other day she said to me "Maybe I'll quit school and start a dog grooming business!"  Thinking this was a random comment, I laughed.  She went on to tell me that prior to coming to BYU she actually was a dog groomer, and she really enjoyed it.  It was after this conversation I decided I needed to write a blog post about some of my awesome and surprising friends.

Gorgeous Ranae on a frozen lake

These were all people I thought I knew fairly well.  What about that person on the street you've never met before?  I am willing to bet they would surprise you.  And I'll wager that you will be even more surprised when you start watching for hidden talents among those you know best.

As for me, I've been thinking about this question for years, ever since Annie first told me about it.  I don't have a good answer for what I'm the best in the world at.

What about you?

P.S. Thanks for letting me use pictures of you without asking Annie, Matt, Joseph, and Renae.  Love all of you, I hope if there are any hard feelings, they won't last long :)


E.M.R. said…
I love this post! I love how amazing your friends are! And I love that they are willing to share their amazingness with others.
Unknown said…
Great post as usual Sarah! You are so good at pointing out unique qualities in others that are strengths and that helps build confidence in the people around you. I love that about you! :)
Unknown said…
Who knew Sarah was an amazing writer? I should have guessed. Thanks for the shout out. I'm glad my little mermaid impression could brighten your day!
Annie Marie said…
Sarah, you now have my permission to share my picture and my best in the world idea. You are right that picture was not funny at all.=) love you

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