This is me and my Mom. People often recognize her as my mom before I introduce her, they say we look alike. I'm always flattered when people say that because my mom is a completely beautiful person inside and out. I don't know where to start in talking about my mom. Everyone who knows her knows what I mean. She is hard to put into words. I've never met a person like her. There are the classic stories about her The time she dressed up like Santa Claus and went walking around town spreading Christmas cheer The time she spontaneously took a truckload of groceries to a friend having a rough time The time she drove by herself with three little kids to Minnesota How we had a signed a contract outlining the rules of the house How she is so smart is it not even funny How she has spent TONS of hours volunteering in the community The time she (and my dad of course) raised three children into balanced, principled, happy adults who love ...